EXCEPTION IN THREAD "MAIN" JAVA.LANG.NoClassDefFoundError prueba/java

29 de Septiembre del 2005
Hola quizas suene repetitivo este problema, pero voy empezando hoy en java, baje el compilador j2sdk1.4.2, agrege a las variables de entoro el path y la classpath.
Tengo mi programa en note pad llamado prueba.java el cual se los muestro enseguida y pues al compilarlo en una consola de ms-dos me sale el siguiente error:
EXCEPTION IN THREAD "MAIN" JAVA.LANG.NoClassDefFoundError prueba/java
no se que pueda ser, si pudieran orientarme se los argadeceria mucho.


* Created on 18/08/2004
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
package com.neitek.wt.print;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;

* @author jfdominguez
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
public class prueba implements DocumentTemplate {

//-- Constants
private static final String CR = "rn";
private static final String PRINTER_PORT = "LPT1";
//-- LM stands for Landscape Mode
private static int LM_MAX_ROWS = 389;
private static int LM_MAX_COLUMNS = 750; // Equiv. de 3.5", donde está la línea de corte del


//-- Columns for portrait mode, used to center text
private static int PM_MAX_COLUMNS = 389;

private static String NULL_DATA_SYMBOL = "--";

private static String[] TICKET_PARAMETERS =

//--- Properties
private String venueName = "venue default";
private String eventCode = "event code default";
private String eventName = "event name default";
private String presentationDate;
private String presentationTime;
private String seatSection;
private String seatRow;
private String seatNumber;
private String seatAccessDoor;
private String ticketCode;
private String ticketType;
private String ticketPrice;
private String packageCode;
private String packageName;
private String productCode;
private String productName;
private String templateType;
private String seatLabel;
private String parsedSeatZone;
private String parsedSeatNumber;
private String parsedSeatLabel;
private String parsedSeatSection;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.neitek.wt.print.DocumentTemplate#getParameterNames()
public String[] getParameterNames() {

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.neitek.wt.print.DocumentTemplate#initialize(byte[], java.util.Properties)
public void initialize(byte[] tempalte, Properties templateProperties)
throws IOException {


protected double transformTicketPrice (String ticketPrice)
double value = 0;
if (ticketPrice == null) return value;

ticketPrice = ticketPrice.trim();
if (ticketPrice.length() == 0) return value;
ticketPrice = ticketPrice.substring(1);

int pos = 0;
// quitamos las comas
while ( (pos = ticketPrice.indexOf(",")) > 0)
if (pos < ticketPrice.length() )
ticketPrice = ticketPrice.substring(0, pos)+ ticketPrice.substring(pos+1);
ticketPrice = ticketPrice.substring(0, ticketPrice.length()-1);

value = Double.parseDouble(ticketPrice);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
{ e.printStackTrace(); }

return value;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.neitek.wt.print.DocumentTemplate#printDocument(java.util.Properties)
public void printDocument(Properties parameters)
throws IOException {

this.venueName = parameters.getProperty("venue.name");
this.eventCode = parameters.getProperty("event.code");
this.eventName = parameters.getProperty("event.name");
this.presentationDate = parameters.getProperty("presentation.date");
this.presentationTime = parameters.getProperty("presentation.time");
this.seatSection = parameters.getProperty("seat.section");
this.seatRow = parameters.getProperty("seat.row");
this.seatNumber = parameters.getProperty("seat.number");
this.seatAccessDoor = parameters.getProperty("seat.access.door");
this.ticketCode = parameters.getProperty("ticket.code");
this.ticketType = parameters.getProperty("ticket.type");
this.ticketPrice = parameters.getProperty("ticket.price");
this.packageCode = parameters.getProperty("package.code");
this.packageName = parameters.getProperty("package.name");
this.productCode = parameters.getProperty("product.code");
this.productName = parameters.getProperty("product.name");
this.templateType = parameters.getProperty("template.type");

if (presentationDate == null || "".equals(presentationDate))
presentationDate = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;
if (presentationTime == null || "".equals(presentationTime))
presentationTime = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;
if (seatSection == null || "".equals(seatSection))
seatSection = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;
if (seatNumber == null || "".equals(seatNumber))
seatNumber = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;
if (seatAccessDoor == null || "".equals(seatAccessDoor))
seatAccessDoor = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;


System.out.println("SeatNumber ----> " + seatNumber);

// Reemplazar caracteres invalidos para la impresora
this.venueName = this.replaceInvalidChars(this.venueName);
this.eventName = this.replaceInvalidChars(this.eventName);
this.parsedSeatSection = this.replaceInvalidChars(this.parsedSeatSection);
this.parsedSeatZone = this.replaceInvalidChars(this.parsedSeatZone);
this.seatAccessDoor = this.replaceInvalidChars(this.seatAccessDoor);

String text = " <LM><LM><LM>";
text += "<F2><HW2,2><RC120,30>";
text += this.venueName.toUpperCase();

text += "<F3><HW1,1><RC165," + this.centerText(this.eventName, 20) + ">";
text += this.eventName.toUpperCase();
text += "<F9><RC195," + this.centerText(this.presentationDate + " " +

this.presentationTime + " hrs.", 13) + ">";
text += this.presentationDate + " " + this.presentationTime + " hrs.";

text += "<F9><RC240,30>Area:<RC240,32>Area:";
text += this.parsedSeatZone;
text += "<RC240,540>Boleto:<RC240,542>Boleto:";
text += this.ticketType;
text += "<RC265,30>Zona:<RC265,32>Zona:";
text += this.parsedSeatSection;
text += "<RC265,540>Precio:<RC265,542>Precio:";
text += this.ticketPrice;
text += "<RC290,30>Fila:<RC290,32>Fila:";
text += this.parsedSeatLabel;
text += "<RC290,140>Asiento:<RC290,142>Asiento:";
text += this.parsedSeatNumber;
text += "<RC290,310>Acceso:<RC290,312>Acceso:";
text += this.seatAccessDoor;

// Poner código de barras
// text += "<RC325,235><BI><NP5><X2>*" + this.ticketCode + "*";
// text += "<RC315,235><NP5><X2>*" + this.ticketCode + "*";

text += "<RC3,780><LT2><BX370,215>";

text += "<RC10,1050><OL5><X2>^" + this.ticketCode + "^";
text += "<RC10,1070><OL5><X2>^" + this.ticketCode + "^";
text += "<RC260,1080><RL><F2>" + this.ticketCode;

text += "<RC360,790><RL><F9>" + this.venueName;
text += "<RC362,790><RL><F9>" + this.venueName;

text += "<F2><HW1,1>";
text += "<RC" + centerTextVertical(this.eventName, 10) + ",820>";
text += this.eventName;
text += "<RC" + centerTextVertical(this.presentationDate + " " +

this.presentationTime + " hrs.", 10) + ",840>";
text += this.presentationDate + " " + this.presentationTime + " hrs.";

text += "<RC3,860><LT2><VX370>";

text += "<RC360,875>Area:<RC361,875>Area:";
text += this.parsedSeatZone;

text += "<RC360,902>Zona:<RC361,902>Zona:";
text += this.parsedSeatSection;

text += "<RC360,929>Fila:<RC361,929>Fila:";
text += this.parsedSeatLabel;

text += "<RC280,929>Asiento:<RC281,929>Asiento:";
text += this.parsedSeatNumber;

text += "<RC160,929>Acceso:<RC161,929>Acceso:";
text += this.seatAccessDoor;

text += "<RC360,956>Boleto:<RC361,956>Boleto:";
text += this.ticketType;

text += "<RC200,956>Precio:<RC201,956>Precio:";
text += this.ticketPrice;

text += "<p>";
TextPrinterUtil.Print(text, PRINTER_PORT);


private void parseSeatNumber() {
this.parsedSeatLabel = "";
System.out.println("SeatNumber en parsing: " + seatNumber);
if (NULL_DATA_SYMBOL.equals(seatNumber))
parsedSeatLabel = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;
parsedSeatNumber = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;
try {
if (this.seatNumber != null) {

for (int i = 0; i < this.seatNumber.length(); i++) {
if (Character.isDigit(this.seatNumber.charAt(i))) {
this.parsedSeatNumber =

this.parsedSeatLabel += this.seatNumber.charAt(i);

} catch (Exception e) {

private void parseSeatSection() {
parsedSeatZone = "";
try {
if (this.seatSection.indexOf("/") > -1) {
parsedSeatZone =
this.parsedSeatSection =
this.seatSection.indexOf("/") + 1);
if (parsedSeatSection == null ||

parsedSeatSection = NULL_DATA_SYMBOL;
} else {
parsedSeatZone = seatSection;
} catch (Exception e) {

private String replaceInvalidChars(String data)
data = data.replace('á', 'a');
data = data.replace('é', 'e');
data = data.replace('í', 'i');
data = data.replace('ó', 'o');
data = data.replace('ú', 'u');
data = data.replace('ñ', 'n');
data = data.replace('ü', 'u');
data = data.replace('Á', 'A');
data = data.replace('É', 'E');
data = data.replace('Í', 'I');
data = data.replace('Ó', 'O');
data = data.replace('Ú', 'U');
data = data.replace('Ñ', 'N');
data = data.replace('Ü', 'U');
return data;

private String centerText(String textToCenter, int charWidth)
int col = 0;
int textWidth = textToCenter.length() * charWidth;
col = (LM_MAX_COLUMNS - textWidth) / 2;
System.out.println("Valor de centrado para " + textToCenter + ": " + col);
col += 30;
return col + "";


private String centerTextVertical(String textToCenter, int charWidth)
int col = 0;
int textWidth = textToCenter.length() * charWidth;
col = (PM_MAX_COLUMNS - textWidth) / 2;
System.out.println("Valor de centrado vertical para " + textToCenter + ": " + col);
//col += 30;
return (PM_MAX_COLUMNS - col) + "";


/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.neitek.wt.print.DocumentTemplate#finish()
public void finish() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

public void waithForReady()
{ Thread.sleep (100); }
catch (InterruptedException e)
{ e.printStackTrace(); }


Saludos Y Gracias de antemano.