Lomboz y JOnAS

29 de Noviembre del 2004
Hola a Todos!!!
A ver si alguien me puede dar una mano...estoy usando el plugin lomboz de eclipse y el servidor de aplicaciones jonas. Al hacer deploy del modulo EJB me arroja la siguiente excepcion:

[genic] 19:30:18,998 : EntityDesc.checkTxAttribute : trans-attribute missing for method public abstract java.util.Collection myStore.ejb.cmp.ItemLocalHome.findBySupplierID(java.lang.String) throws javax.ejb.FinderException in entity bean Item (set to the default value Supports)
[genic] 19:30:18,998 : EntityDesc.checkTxAttribute : trans-attribute missing for method public abstract java.util.Collection myStore.ejb.cmp.ItemLocalHome.findPriceRange(java.lang.Double,java.lang.Double) throws javax.ejb.FinderException in entity bean Item (set to the default value Supports)
[genic] 19:30:20,230 : BasicClass.createPrimitiveElement : Try to create an existing PrimitiveElement (userId), return existing one
[genic] 19:30:20,230 : RdbMappingBuilder.<init> : Jorm Exception raised: org.objectweb.jorm.api.PException: Column USERID already defined in the table StoreAccess
[genic] GenIC fatal error:
[genic] Impossible to load jorm meta information (Column USERID already defined in the table StoreAccess: Column USERID already defined in the table StoreAccess)
[genic] org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.DeploymentDescException: Column USERID already defined in the table StoreAccess: Column USERID already defined in the table StoreAccess
[genic] at org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.lib.RdbMappingBuilder.<init>(RdbMappingBuilder.java:137)

Alguna idea?...desde ya mil gracias a todos.